Cristiano Ronaldo: "I think I am better than Messi"

The Portuguese player gave two interviews on CNN and Sky Sports. He reviewed the season and his rivalry with Messi and Barcelona. This is an extract from both interviews.

Cristiano Ronaldo during an interview
Cristiano Ronaldo

What has been your best moment of the season?
Winning the title with Real Madrid. This is the first time I have won the league and I was very happy because it was my best time here in Madrid, the most important trophy. In individual terms, the year was good for me, for the goals I scored, breaking my previous record. And for the team to make 100 points in the league is another record. It was outstanding. I think it will be difficult to make a better season than this. For me, this is the hardest league in the world. Competing with Barcelona, as everyone knows, is very complicated and we have achieved a nine points gap at the end. It was an incredible year.

People always say that Barcelona play the best football in the world. Do you think that Real Madrid played better than them?
The points speak for themselves, nine points have separated Real Madrid and Barcelona. Many here in Spain. We played better than them this year, I am sure. I remember we won there last month 1-2. Nobody can do that, it is very difficult, so we deserve to win the league. We are better than them right now, but we respect them because they are also a great team.

Tell me about Mourinho as a person and as a manager.
As a person, is a humble and simple. He jokes all the time. He is good. As a coach, is completely different. He is serious and very professional. That's why he won the titles he has won. For me is the best, not only because I work with him, but for what he does: the tactics, all about the players, motivation. He has won in all countries where he was. I think he is great. The best coach in the world manages me and I am surrounded by great players.

Do you see yourself finishing your career in Madrid?
I am very happy here, this is a fantastic club with the best fans, but nobody knows the future. I feel happy, but who knows in a year or two. The head of a man is complicated, but for now I am happy.

Are you tired with the comparision with Messi all the time?
Sometimes I feel tired. For him also because people compare us all the time. You can not compare a Ferrari to a Porsche because the engine is different. They can not be compared. He does his best for Barcelona and I do my best for Real Madrid. People talk about the numbers and they all say they are amazing. They talk about him and me because we beat our records. It's amazing. I think we pushed ourselves in competition. It is for this reason that the level of the Spanish League is so high. That's why Madrid and Barcelona are the two best teams in the world, because one requires the other.

Were you better than him this season?
It is not about who did it better. I hate to be compared with anyone. Some people say I am better, others say he is, but at the end of the year people will decide who is the best right now. And I think it's me (laughs).

What team do you think will win the Champions League?
It is difficult. Maybe people think that Bayern will win easy. I think not. Do not forget that Chelsea knocked Barcelona, which is very, very difficult. It will be an interesting match.

Do you feel sorry for the penalty you missed against Bayern?
It is always difficult when you lose something, when you lose on penalties. But I am not worried about that because if I had not scored twice there had been no penalties. I have to appreciate what I did in the Champions League and what I did for the club. But to be honest, it was one of the worst days in my career.